AAPI Victory Fund Announces Saund VII Endorsements to Take Back House in 2018

AAPI Victory Fund Announces Saund VII Endorsements to Take Back House in 2018

Named for the First AAPI Congressman, "Saund VII Candidates" will Preserve Our Democracy

WASHINGTON – The AAPI Victory Fund has named an additional seven progressive candidates to endorse in the General Election this November 6. These candidates, known as the Saund VII, are named after Dalip Singh Saund, the first AAPI and Sikh American elected to Congress in 1956. Prior to his election to Congress, Saund was an advocate for change and fought to ensure AAPIs had the right to naturalize, in a time when they were prohibited. It is more important than ever for progressive candidates to be elected to Congress as our democracy is under attack and Republican members in the House and Senate have so far been gutless.The Saund VII candidates were selected based on their progressive values and commitment to the AAPI community. They are in swing or in critical must hold districts with significant AAPI voting populations. They join the 11 remaining Mineta XI and Mink IV candidates as our nation heads toward Election Day.The Saund VII candidates:Doug Chin (HI-01)Gil Cisneros (CA-39)TJ Cox (CA-21)David Kim (GA-07)Katie Porter (CA-45)Abigail Spanberger (VA-07)Jennifer Wexton (VA-10)“The Trump Administration and Republican Party has shown us time and time again that they have no respect for our Constitution and the basic human rights of immigrants, women and non-white males,” said Shekar Narasimhan, chairman of AAPI Victory Fund. “We must reverse this slide to restore the necessary balance. Our democracy is now at stake. With the Saund VII, we can take back the House and hold this Administration accountable for its actions.”AAPI Victory Fund has been, and will continue to, actively work this Fall in Arizona, Nevada, New Jersey, Michigan, Ohio, Texas and Virginia to support House and Senate candidates to take back our country.



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