AAPI Victory Fund Calls FOX 'Irresponsible Journalism' in Trump Era

WASHINGTON—In response to a widely criticized segment on “The O’Reilly Factor” aired earlier this week on Fox News Channel, the AAPI Victory Fund released the below statements.“Donald Trump’s racist comments have changed the landscape of political reporting where a major national network no longer adheres to responsible journalism,” said Shekar Narasimhan, chairman and founder of the AAPI Victory Fund. “Fox and the O’Reilly Factor should issue an immediate apology and those involved with the segment should be disciplined for their publicly racist behavior.”“As an American, the segment on the O’Reilly Factor is extremely racist, insensitive, and has lowered the bar on so-called political reporting,” said Bel Leong-Hong, co-founder & vice chair of the AAPI Victory Fund. “It is clear to me that four years of Donald Trump will lead to more bigotry and hate, which is why Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders must vote for Hillary Clinton.”“Fox News cannot call itself fair and balanced if it continues to support racist, inflammatory, and ignorant reporting,” said Dr. Zia Khan, vice chair of the AAPI Victory Fund. “I can speak for many in our community when I say we are not only owed an apology but also true effort from Fox to report on Asian and other minority communities in a professional and honest manner."The AAPI Victory Fund previously endorsed Secretary Hillary Clinton for president, calling her “the first and only presidential candidate to meaningfully engage with the Asian American and Pacific Islander community.”



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